20 YRS AGO – Keller’s WWE Raw Report (12/27/2004): Christian vs. Jericho, Triple H vs. Benjamin, plus Hassan hits Jim Ross, Bischoff announces Chamber special referee, more (2025)

20 YRS AGO – Keller’s WWE Raw Report (12/27/2004): Christian vs. Jericho, Triple H vs. Benjamin, plus Hassan hits Jim Ross, Bischoff announces Chamber special referee, more (1)


The following report originally published 20 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com.

DECEMBER 27, 2004

-Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler introduced the show.

-Eric Bischoff walked to the ring. He recapped the Elimination Chamber announcement made last week. Then he made a major announcement. He said each of the six wrestlers scheduled to be in the chamber will wrestle against an unannounced opponent. The wrestler who won his match in the shortest amount of time would get to enter the chamber last. He added another major stip – if any of the wrestlers lost their match, they’d be replaced in the match by the opponent they lost to.

1 — CHRIS JERICHO vs. CHRISTIAN (w/Tyson Tomko)

Jericho got a great pop coming to the ring. He went after Christian right away with pin attempts, trying to score the early fall to assure the best position in the PPV chamber match. Jericho springboarded off the second rope to the floor onto Tomko and Christian at ringside.

[Commercial Break]

Christian was in control after the break. Jericho came back by countering a catapult and hitting a crossbody for a near fall. He went for a Lionsault, but Christian moved. Jericho landed on his feet, but then Tomko punched him. Christian cradled him for a near fall. Jericho knocked Tomko off the ring apron. Christian went for a backslide on Jericho, but Jericho escaped and applied the Walls of Jericho for the win.

WINNER: Jericho at 10:47 via tapout.

STAR RATING: **1/2 — Good TV match. High energy, great crowd heat. The feeling that something was really on the line added to the drama, as did the relevance of the clock.

-Ric Flair tried to calm Triple H and Batista backstage. Flair told them not to worry about their match later. Batista said he wasn’t worried at all. Batista said he had no fear because he is confident. Hunter, not wanting to show weakness relative to Batista, changed his tune and pretended to be confident. Hunter bet Batista he’d win his match faster.

-Maria interviewed Randy Orton. He said he had been in an Elimination Chamber before and it’s a brutal, brutal experience, but he’s “very, very excited.” He said it’s been three long months since he had a chance to win the World Hvt. Title. He said in 2005, his New Year’s Resolution is to walk out the World Hvt. Champion at New Year’s Revolution. Maria’s reciting of her lines was the equivalent of a second grade girl at a talent show reading lines she doesn’t know the definition of. We’re back to interviewers acting as ditsy as Missy Hyatt did nearly 20 years ago. Orton told Maria to stick around for him after his match. He then headed to the ring.

[Commercial Break]


The clock counted down from 10:47. The crowd chanted “Randy, Randy” once the clock got down to 6:00. Lawler said someone would end up replaced, it was just a matter of how many. Orton screamed before making his comeback, another small touch added to his routine as he tries to refine his character. Orton his a graceful crossbody block. Orton hit the RKO for the win.

WINNER: Orton at 6:14.

STAR RATING: * — Not long enough to amount to much, but fine for what it was. It doesn’t say much for Maven’s push. His out-of-ring friendship with Orton isn’t taking him far right now.

-A promo aired for Smackdown, advertising that all four Smackdown titles would be on the line on one show for the first time ever – World, Cruiserweight, U.S., and Tag Team.

[Commercial Break]


Ross announced for the first time that Lita would defend against Trish Stratus at New Year’s Revolution. Molly took early control, then Lita got in some offense, then Molly regained control, then Lita scored with a DDT out of nowhere for the win.



-Gene Snitsky ran to the ring. Lita fled into the crowd. Snitsky chased after her. When Lita ran into back room and locked the door, Snitsky rubbed the door and said he just wanted to play. Bischoff approached Snitsky and told him he is going to face Kane at the New Year’s Resolution PPV. Snitsky reacted with a mix of happiness and fear, as best as could be determined given his exaggerated acting.

[Commercial Break]

Check out the latest episode of “PWTorch ’90s Pastcast” with Patrick Moynahan and Alex McDonald, part of the PWTorch Dailycast line-up: CLICK HERE to stream (or search “pwtorch” on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or any other iOS or Android app to subscribe free)


Simon mocked the fans and Rosey for weight problems, calling them pigs and hogs and making oinking sounds. Rosey yanked Simon into the ring and beat him up for a minute. When Simon attempted a sunset flip, Rosey sat down on Simon’s face. At 2:15 Rosey set up Simon for a corner swing splash, but Simon moved. Simon then put on his weight lifting belt to protect his back as he bodyslammed Rosey. When he lifted Rosey, Simon fell backward. Rosey then took off Simon’s belt. As the ref admonished Rosey, Simon recovered and cradled him for the win.

WINNER: Simon at 3:03.


-Ross plugged that Edge was up next.

[Commercial Break – Including the new Ultimate Fighter reality series on Spike TV starting Jan. 17. It’s a Tough Enough type show with real MMA (mixed martial arts) fighting as the discipline. Randy Couture from UFC was one of the trainers.]


The time to beat remained Randy Orton’s 6:14. As Lawler talked about how much Edge deserved to have the World Title opportunity and not lose it to Eugene, Ross said he sounded like he was drinking Edge’s Kool-Aid. It’s the first time the “drinking Kool-Aid” reference was made without it relating to Paul Heyman. Eugene got a nice pop for bailing out on the criss-cross and shaking hands with fans at ringside. That spot is nice, but it would work better if the criss-cross had been done in WWE within the last 15 years otherwise. Eugene then disappeared and Edge was confused. The clock counted down under one minute. Edge finally saw Eugene poke his head out from under the ring. Edge slidekicked him, then rolled him into the ring for a near fall. Eugene came back with a Rock Bottom attempt, but Edge escaped and hit a spear. When Eugene rolled out of the ring, the time expired, meaning Edge was no longer eligible for the last spot in the Chamber. He still had to beat Eugene in order to keep any spot in the Chamber. Eugene scored a near fall after a Stunner and showed frustration when Edge kicked out. He went for a flying knee in the corner, but Edge moved. Edge then rammed Eugene’s leg into the ringpost three times. Edge then applied an Indian death lock like submission to Eugene’s legs. Eugene eventually tapped out.

WINNER: Edge at 8:44.

STAR RATING: **1/4 — Another solid TV match. Good action and smartly booked.

-Bischoff on the cell phone was updating someone on the Elimination Chamber situation. The mystery person said they’d be making it to the show after all. Bischoff said he knows flights have been delayed all day, but that person’s arrival would make his announcement all the bigger. Coach barged in and said he had a late Christmas present for him. Bischoff wasn’t amused and wouldn’t open the wrapped box himself. Coach did, revealing sunglasses, which he put on Bischoff’s face.

Coach then asked who he was talking to. Bischoff said it was he special guest referee. Coach asked Bischoff to tell him before the people knew. This is another one of those dumb moments that “shakes viewers out of their suspension of disbelief” as they ask the obvious question: Doesn’t Coach know that his conversation is airing live on national TV and on the big screen in the arena, so if Bischoff did tell him right then and there, everyone would know at the same time? Bischoff told Coach he wanted him out of his office and he’d find out when everyone else did. He said not one person in the Elimination Chamber would be happy about his announcement.

[Commercial Break]


Mabel dominated the match with methodical offense except for a few chops by Benoit in the opening minute. Benoit slipped on a Crippler Crossface with about a minute left in the Orton time. Mabel lasted longer than just about anybody in the Crossface, but with a few seconds left, Mabel finally tapped out.

WINNER: Benoit at 5:43 via tapout.


-They showed Stacy Keibler headed to the ring to announce her New Year’s Resolution.

[Commercial Break]

-Stacy walked to the ring and vowed to bend over backwards and forwards to make 2005 even better. The pointless segment was cut off by Muhammed Hassan and Khosrow Daivari. Their intro video on the big screen includes imagery of the Statue of Liberty. Daivari angrily yelled at Stacy in his foreign language and signalled for her to get out of the ring. Hassan said he doesn’t find it surprising as much as disgusting to get booed by people of a country that is a bed of lies and cesspool of hypocrisy. He said especially right now in the holiday season, he and his Arab brothers are not included in America’s freedom.

He cited a college study that revealed more than half of Americans think Arab-Americans should have their civil liberties limited. “Not because we’ve done anything wrong, and not because we’ve committed any crimes,” he said. “Simply because we are of Arab dissent.” He told the fans they can find out for themselves by going to “news.cornell.edu” to see it firsthand.

He said: “The truth is that deep down inside your hearts, every single one of you is prejudiced. And the truth is none of you have the guts to admit it to yourselves. If you people don’t open your eyes and see what you’re doing to my Arab brothers – to me – then my New Year’s Resolution will be to personally beat some sense into America.” Daivari walked up to Ross and Lawler and said, “It’s infidels like these two that are wrong with America.” He blamed them for pushing their propaganda to an audience of millions. Lawler stood up and said he’s heard enough from them. Hassan shoved Lawler twice.

Hassan then knocked Ross to the ground with a forearm to the face. Lawler and Hassan went nose-to-nose as they cut to a break. Other than hitting Ross, they’re back to spewing comments that in many people’s eyes would make them sympathetic babyfaces, depending on your view on how upset someone is allowed to get for having their civil rights potentially taken away despite being an American citizen. The crowd, of course, were worked up into a loud “USA, USA” chant during the segment.

[Commercial Break]

-Lawler told Ross he wasn’t going to take it by being politically correct. Ross told Lawler that it was their job.


Rhyno hit an early Gore for a near fall. When Rhyno went for a second Gore, Batista blocked it, then slammed Rhyno to the mat. He followed up with the sitdown powerbomb. Batista looked up at the clock, saw that he had more time, and then gave Rhyno another sitdown powerbomb. If there’s an ECW PPV next year, don’t expect fans to take Rhyno seriously in any kind of prominent match. Not that they would have anyway, but the memory of this decisive squash may last a while. Ross said, “Batista easily handled one hell of an athlete here.”

WINNER: Batista at 3:02.


-Ross said it was WWE’s honor to be affiliated with the soldiers last week. Lawler lashed out again at Hassan and Daivari. A video then aired of the Smackdown visit to Creed’s “Higher.”

[Commercial Break]

-Bischoff was talking to Candice backstage about how her Christmas went. As she rambled on about how it wasn’t a white Christmas, Coach interrupted and said he just saw the special guest referee arrive. Hassan and Daivari then walked in and complained that they are spewing anti-Arab-American propoganda each week on Raw. Bischoff asked what they were asking for. Hassan said they wanted Ross and Lawler in the ring. Bischoff said he wouldn’t put Ross into the ring. He said next week they’d have a debate with those four. Ross said, “If it’s a debate they want next week, we’ll give them a debate.” Lawler said he was going to let some actions speak louder than words. That will be interesting.

-Ross and Lawler ran down the announced matches for New Year’s Resolution: Kane vs. Snitsky, Lita vs. Trish, and the Elimination Chamber.

-Hunter complained to Flair that Batista agreed not to beat the clock. Batista told Hunter he did what he did because Rhyno pissed him off. Hunter asked Batista why he has such a problem followiing orders. Batista told Hunter, “Now you are starting to piss me off.” Flair, trying to calm them down, said: “Come on guys. We’re a unit. We’re Evolution.”

[Commercial Break]

8 — TRIPLE H (w/Batista, Ric Flair) vs. SHELTON BENJAMIN

Orton, Jericho, Edge, Benoit, and Batista were all sitting at ringside to watch the match. Hunter stared each of them down before the match. Shelton Benjamin then came out with the IC Title, revealing himself for the first time as Hunter’s challenger. Hunter wasn’t pleased. Hunter went after Benjamin aggressively, trying to beat the 3:02 on the clock. After throwing Benjamin into the ringside stairs, he went to a sleeper inside the ring with a minute left in the timelimit. Lawler urged Hunter go for the Pedigree. Benjamin dropped to the mat.

With ten seconds left, the ref checked Bejmain’s arms quickly. Benjamin’s arm dropped three times, but before the third drop, the ref noticed Benjamin’s foot was over the bottom rope. The ref explained what happened to Hunter, who was livid with the ref’s decision. Benjamin splashed Hunter from behind in the corner and rolled him up for a near fall. Hunter attempted a Pedigree out of nowhere, but Benjamin turned it into a knee to the back of Hunter’s neck followed by a two count. Benjamin went to the top rope. Flair ran toward Benjamin. The ref tended to Flair. Benjamin gave Hunter his T-Bone Suplex. The ref was slow to turn around because of Flair. Benjmain got up after a visual three count and knocked Flair to the floor. When he turned around, Hunter slipped on the Pedigree and scored the pin.

WINNER: Hunter at 7:53.


-Bischoff walked out as Batista and Flair congratulated Hunter on his win. He introduced Shawn Michaels as the special referee for the Elimination Chamber. Michaes walked out in a ref shirt and danced to his song as all of the wrestlers in the chamber looked on with various facial expressions. Hunter screamed, “Noooo!!” Batista looked stern. Edge was disturbed. Jericho and Benoit were mostly blank-faced. The show ended.

RECOMMENDED NEXT: 5 YRS AGO – NXT TV Report (12-25-2019): Austin Theory vs. Roderick Strong, plus Swerve, Dijak, Bronson Reed, Candice, Keith Lee, Shotzi, Belair

OR CHECK THIS OUT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: R-Truth on nearly losing a leg to an infection, his favorite comedy segment, whether he tries to make people break character, the possibility of a heel turn

-Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler introduced the show.

-Eric Bischoff walked to the ring. He recapped the Elimination Chamber announcement made last week. Then he made a major announcement. He said each of the six wrestlers scheduled to be in the chamber will wrestle against an unannounced opponent. The wrestler who won his match in the shortest amount of time would get to enter the chamber last. He added another major stip – if any of the wrestlers lost their match, they’d be replaced in the match by the opponent they lost to.

1 — CHRIS JERICHO vs. CHRISTIAN (w/Tyson Tomko)

Jericho got a great pop coming to the ring. He went after Christian right away with pin attempts, trying to score the early fall to assure the best position in the PPV chamber match. Jericho springboarded off the second rope to the floor onto Tomko and Christian at ringside.

[Commercial Break]

Christian was in control after the break. Jericho came back by countering a catapult and hitting a crossbody for a near fall. He went for a Lionsault, but Christian moved. Jericho landed on his feet, but then Tomko punched him. Christian cradled him for a near fall. Jericho knocked Tomko off the ring apron. Christian went for a backslide on Jericho, but Jericho escaped and applied the Walls of Jericho for the win.

WINNER: Jericho at 10:47 via tapout.

STAR RATING: **1/2 — Good TV match. High energy, great crowd heat. The feeling that something was really on the line added to the drama, as did the relevance of the clock.

-Ric Flair tried to calm Triple H and Batista backstage. Flair told them not to worry about their match later. Batista said he wasn’t worried at all. Batista said he had no fear because he is confident. Hunter, not wanting to show weakness relative to Batista, changed his tune and pretended to be confident. Hunter bet Batista he’d win his match faster.

-Maria interviewed Randy Orton. He said he had been in an Elimination Chamber before and it’s a brutal, brutal experience, but he’s “very, very excited.” He said it’s been three long months since he had a chance to win the World Hvt. Title. He said in 2005, his New Year’s Resolution is to walk out the World Hvt. Champion at New Year’s Revolution. Maria’s reciting of her lines was the equivalent of a second grade girl at a talent show reading lines she doesn’t know the definition of. We’re back to interviewers acting as ditsy as Missy Hyatt did nearly 20 years ago. Orton told Maria to stick around for him after his match. He then headed to the ring.

[Commercial Break]


The clock counted down from 10:47. The crowd chanted “Randy, Randy” once the clock got down to 6:00. Lawler said someone would end up replaced, it was just a matter of how many. Orton screamed before making his comeback, another small touch added to his routine as he tries to refine his character. Orton his a graceful crossbody block. Orton hit the RKO for the win.

WINNER: Orton at 6:14.

STAR RATING: * — Not long enough to amount to much, but fine for what it was. It doesn’t say much for Maven’s push. His out-of-ring friendship with Orton isn’t taking him far right now.

-A promo aired for Smackdown, advertising that all four Smackdown titles would be on the line on one show for the first time ever – World, Cruiserweight, U.S., and Tag Team.

[Commercial Break]


Ross announced for the first time that Lita would defend against Trish Stratus at New Year’s Revolution. Molly took early control, then Lita got in some offense, then Molly regained control, then Lita scored with a DDT out of nowhere for the win.



-Gene Snitsky ran to the ring. Lita fled into the crowd. Snitsky chased after her. When Lita ran into back room and locked the door, Snitsky rubbed the door and said he just wanted to play. Bischoff approached Snitsky and told him he is going to face Kane at the New Year’s Resolution PPV. Snitsky reacted with a mix of happiness and fear, as best as could be determined given his exaggerated acting.

[Commercial Break]

Check out the latest episode of “PWTorch ’90s Pastcast” with Patrick Moynahan and Alex McDonald, part of the PWTorch Dailycast line-up: CLICK HERE to stream (or search “pwtorch” on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or any other iOS or Android app to subscribe free)


Simon mocked the fans and Rosey for weight problems, calling them pigs and hogs and making oinking sounds. Rosey yanked Simon into the ring and beat him up for a minute. When Simon attempted a sunset flip, Rosey sat down on Simon’s face. At 2:15 Rosey set up Simon for a corner swing splash, but Simon moved. Simon then put on his weight lifting belt to protect his back as he bodyslammed Rosey. When he lifted Rosey, Simon fell backward. Rosey then took off Simon’s belt. As the ref admonished Rosey, Simon recovered and cradled him for the win.

WINNER: Simon at 3:03.


-Ross plugged that Edge was up next.

[Commercial Break – Including the new Ultimate Fighter reality series on Spike TV starting Jan. 17. It’s a Tough Enough type show with real MMA (mixed martial arts) fighting as the discipline. Randy Couture from UFC was one of the trainers.]


The time to beat remained Randy Orton’s 6:14. As Lawler talked about how much Edge deserved to have the World Title opportunity and not lose it to Eugene, Ross said he sounded like he was drinking Edge’s Kool-Aid. It’s the first time the “drinking Kool-Aid” reference was made without it relating to Paul Heyman. Eugene got a nice pop for bailing out on the criss-cross and shaking hands with fans at ringside. That spot is nice, but it would work better if the criss-cross had been done in WWE within the last 15 years otherwise. Eugene then disappeared and Edge was confused. The clock counted down under one minute. Edge finally saw Eugene poke his head out from under the ring. Edge slidekicked him, then rolled him into the ring for a near fall. Eugene came back with a Rock Bottom attempt, but Edge escaped and hit a spear. When Eugene rolled out of the ring, the time expired, meaning Edge was no longer eligible for the last spot in the Chamber. He still had to beat Eugene in order to keep any spot in the Chamber. Eugene scored a near fall after a Stunner and showed frustration when Edge kicked out. He went for a flying knee in the corner, but Edge moved. Edge then rammed Eugene’s leg into the ringpost three times. Edge then applied an Indian death lock like submission to Eugene’s legs. Eugene eventually tapped out.

WINNER: Edge at 8:44.

STAR RATING: **1/4 — Another solid TV match. Good action and smartly booked.

-Bischoff on the cell phone was updating someone on the Elimination Chamber situation. The mystery person said they’d be making it to the show after all. Bischoff said he knows flights have been delayed all day, but that person’s arrival would make his announcement all the bigger. Coach barged in and said he had a late Christmas present for him. Bischoff wasn’t amused and wouldn’t open the wrapped box himself. Coach did, revealing sunglasses, which he put on Bischoff’s face.

Coach then asked who he was talking to. Bischoff said it was he special guest referee. Coach asked Bischoff to tell him before the people knew. This is another one of those dumb moments that “shakes viewers out of their suspension of disbelief” as they ask the obvious question: Doesn’t Coach know that his conversation is airing live on national TV and on the big screen in the arena, so if Bischoff did tell him right then and there, everyone would know at the same time? Bischoff told Coach he wanted him out of his office and he’d find out when everyone else did. He said not one person in the Elimination Chamber would be happy about his announcement.

[Commercial Break]


Mabel dominated the match with methodical offense except for a few chops by Benoit in the opening minute. Benoit slipped on a Crippler Crossface with about a minute left in the Orton time. Mabel lasted longer than just about anybody in the Crossface, but with a few seconds left, Mabel finally tapped out.

WINNER: Benoit at 5:43 via tapout.


-They showed Stacy Keibler headed to the ring to announce her New Year’s Resolution.

[Commercial Break]

-Stacy walked to the ring and vowed to bend over backwards and forwards to make 2005 even better. The pointless segment was cut off by Muhammed Hassan and Khosrow Daivari. Their intro video on the big screen includes imagery of the Statue of Liberty. Daivari angrily yelled at Stacy in his foreign language and signalled for her to get out of the ring. Hassan said he doesn’t find it surprising as much as disgusting to get booed by people of a country that is a bed of lies and cesspool of hypocrisy. He said especially right now in the holiday season, he and his Arab brothers are not included in America’s freedom.

He cited a college study that revealed more than half of Americans think Arab-Americans should have their civil liberties limited. “Not because we’ve done anything wrong, and not because we’ve committed any crimes,” he said. “Simply because we are of Arab dissent.” He told the fans they can find out for themselves by going to “news.cornell.edu” to see it firsthand.

He said: “The truth is that deep down inside your hearts, every single one of you is prejudiced. And the truth is none of you have the guts to admit it to yourselves. If you people don’t open your eyes and see what you’re doing to my Arab brothers – to me – then my New Year’s Resolution will be to personally beat some sense into America.” Daivari walked up to Ross and Lawler and said, “It’s infidels like these two that are wrong with America.” He blamed them for pushing their propaganda to an audience of millions. Lawler stood up and said he’s heard enough from them. Hassan shoved Lawler twice.

Hassan then knocked Ross to the ground with a forearm to the face. Lawler and Hassan went nose-to-nose as they cut to a break. Other than hitting Ross, they’re back to spewing comments that in many people’s eyes would make them sympathetic babyfaces, depending on your view on how upset someone is allowed to get for having their civil rights potentially taken away despite being an American citizen. The crowd, of course, were worked up into a loud “USA, USA” chant during the segment.

[Commercial Break]

-Lawler told Ross he wasn’t going to take it by being politically correct. Ross told Lawler that it was their job.


Rhyno hit an early Gore for a near fall. When Rhyno went for a second Gore, Batista blocked it, then slammed Rhyno to the mat. He followed up with the sitdown powerbomb. Batista looked up at the clock, saw that he had more time, and then gave Rhyno another sitdown powerbomb. If there’s an ECW PPV next year, don’t expect fans to take Rhyno seriously in any kind of prominent match. Not that they would have anyway, but the memory of this decisive squash may last a while. Ross said, “Batista easily handled one hell of an athlete here.”

WINNER: Batista at 3:02.


-Ross said it was WWE’s honor to be affiliated with the soldiers last week. Lawler lashed out again at Hassan and Daivari. A video then aired of the Smackdown visit to Creed’s “Higher.”

[Commercial Break]

-Bischoff was talking to Candice backstage about how her Christmas went. As she rambled on about how it wasn’t a white Christmas, Coach interrupted and said he just saw the special guest referee arrive. Hassan and Daivari then walked in and complained that they are spewing anti-Arab-American propoganda each week on Raw. Bischoff asked what they were asking for. Hassan said they wanted Ross and Lawler in the ring. Bischoff said he wouldn’t put Ross into the ring. He said next week they’d have a debate with those four. Ross said, “If it’s a debate they want next week, we’ll give them a debate.” Lawler said he was going to let some actions speak louder than words. That will be interesting.

-Ross and Lawler ran down the announced matches for New Year’s Resolution: Kane vs. Snitsky, Lita vs. Trish, and the Elimination Chamber.

-Hunter complained to Flair that Batista agreed not to beat the clock. Batista told Hunter he did what he did because Rhyno pissed him off. Hunter asked Batista why he has such a problem followiing orders. Batista told Hunter, “Now you are starting to piss me off.” Flair, trying to calm them down, said: “Come on guys. We’re a unit. We’re Evolution.”

[Commercial Break]

8 — TRIPLE H (w/Batista, Ric Flair) vs. SHELTON BENJAMIN

Orton, Jericho, Edge, Benoit, and Batista were all sitting at ringside to watch the match. Hunter stared each of them down before the match. Shelton Benjamin then came out with the IC Title, revealing himself for the first time as Hunter’s challenger. Hunter wasn’t pleased. Hunter went after Benjamin aggressively, trying to beat the 3:02 on the clock. After throwing Benjamin into the ringside stairs, he went to a sleeper inside the ring with a minute left in the timelimit. Lawler urged Hunter go for the Pedigree. Benjamin dropped to the mat.

With ten seconds left, the ref checked Bejmain’s arms quickly. Benjamin’s arm dropped three times, but before the third drop, the ref noticed Benjamin’s foot was over the bottom rope. The ref explained what happened to Hunter, who was livid with the ref’s decision. Benjamin splashed Hunter from behind in the corner and rolled him up for a near fall. Hunter attempted a Pedigree out of nowhere, but Benjamin turned it into a knee to the back of Hunter’s neck followed by a two count. Benjamin went to the top rope. Flair ran toward Benjamin. The ref tended to Flair. Benjamin gave Hunter his T-Bone Suplex. The ref was slow to turn around because of Flair. Benjmain got up after a visual three count and knocked Flair to the floor. When he turned around, Hunter slipped on the Pedigree and scored the pin.

WINNER: Hunter at 7:53.


-Bischoff walked out as Batista and Flair congratulated Hunter on his win. He introduced Shawn Michaels as the special referee for the Elimination Chamber. Michaes walked out in a ref shirt and danced to his song as all of the wrestlers in the chamber looked on with various facial expressions. Hunter screamed, “Noooo!!” Batista looked stern. Edge was disturbed. Jericho and Benoit were mostly blank-faced. The show ended.

RECOMMENDED NEXT: 5 YRS AGO – NXT TV Report (12-25-2019): Austin Theory vs. Roderick Strong, plus Swerve, Dijak, Bronson Reed, Candice, Keith Lee, Shotzi, Belair

OR CHECK THIS OUT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: R-Truth on nearly losing a leg to an infection, his favorite comedy segment, whether he tries to make people break character, the possibility of a heel turn

20 YRS AGO – Keller’s WWE Raw Report (12/27/2004): Christian vs. Jericho, Triple H vs. Benjamin, plus Hassan hits Jim Ross, Bischoff announces Chamber special referee, more (2025)
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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.